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Friday, March 17, 2023

Join the TF Team as we discuss some of their recent projects and updates. First up is the Quick Wits comedy event series, which we provide an update on and share some highlights from recent shows. Next, we share information on our newsletter and website, where viewers can find them and subscribe for updates on upcoming projects and events. Finally, we give a behind-the-scenes look with Bee Balm Fields, a WIP project that we're excited to share with everyone. Tune in to hear all the latest news and updates from the crew.

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Hi, we're Triple Falls Prod.

Arts - Music - Culture
based in Mankato, MN

We produce a weekly podcast called the TF Cast which is available wherever you get your podcasts.

Each episode we feature an interview with someone from the area who's making an impact on the arts, music, and culture of Southern MN.

Sometimes we also write about events, projects, or other things.


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