Alex French - TF Cast ep.138

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

TF Blog & Podcast/Podcast/Alex French - TF Cast ep.138

This week on the TF Cast

Alex French - TF Cast ep.138

Writer and MNSU Grad Student Alex French joins us to talk about the courses he has organized with the Arts Center in St. Peter. We chat about writing, the community and the benefits the classes offer.
The eight week writing class beginning October 22nd on Elements of Craft will feature lectures, discussions and writing exercises led by MNSU Grad students.
More information or to sign up check out:

Listen wherever you get your podcasts!

This episode was originally published on Sept 28th, 2023.

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Hi, we're Triple Falls Prod.

Arts - Music - Culture
based in Mankato, MN

We produce a weekly podcast called the TF Cast which is available wherever you get your podcasts.

Each episode we feature an interview with someone from the area who's making an impact on the arts, music, and culture of Southern MN.

​Sometimes we also write about events, projects, or other things.

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