Caleb Stoner - TF Cast ep.136

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

TF Blog & Podcast/Podcast/Caleb Stoner - TF Cast ep.136

This week on the TF Cast

Caleb Stoner - TF Cast ep.136

Artist and Maker Caleb Stoner joins us to discuss his contributions and work at the Makers Space.
We explore his diverse projects, ranging from crafting knives and gathering ore to creating tools and jewelry.
Caleb shares anecdotes about his journey, including the process of acquiring skills, finding his place in the vibrant community of makers, and the art of foraging for supplies.

Listen wherever you get your podcasts!

This episode was originally published on Sept 14th, 2023.

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Hi, we're Triple Falls Prod.

Arts - Music - Culture
based in Mankato, MN

We produce a weekly podcast called the TF Cast which is available wherever you get your podcasts.

Each episode we feature an interview with someone from the area who's making an impact on the arts, music, and culture of Southern MN.

​Sometimes we also write about events, projects, or other things.

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