The Lectern Series | Holly & Nicholas | TF Cast ep.110

Thursday, August 03, 2023

TF Blog & Podcast/The Lectern Series | Holly & Nicholas | TF Cast ep.110

This week on the TF Cast

The Lectern Series | Holly & Nicholas | TF Cast ep.110

Holly and Nicholas introduce us to "The Lectern Series" a community education project that allows people to speak at length sharing their knowledge and experiences. These speeches are live streamed and followed by a Q&A session.
We learn about the origins of the event, the history of the lectern itself and gain insights into the personal philosophy that motivated Nicholas and Holly to pursue the project.

Listen wherever you get your podcasts!

This episode was originally published on Feb 2nd, 2023.

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Hi, we're Triple Falls Prod.

Arts - Music - Culture
based in Mankato, MN

We produce a weekly podcast called the TF Cast which is available wherever you get your podcasts.

Each episode we feature an interview with someone from the area who's making an impact on the arts, music, and culture of Southern MN.

​Sometimes we also write about events, projects, or other things.

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